Thursday, June 23, 2016

Zordon is racist?

David Fielding, who played Zordon for half of 1993 tells No Pink Spandex that the reason he was fired was due to his racism. Let's see how the problem occurs:

Fake  Dialog of
Power Rangers Season 1, Episode 1: Day of the Rubbish Bin

"Teenagers with attitude, I summon you here to fight the great evil. But don't be afraid,
I see the great power in all of you.
Now I'll give you the power of Mighty Dinozord.
The color I give to you according to your strength.
Once again, I'm not racist."

"Zack, you'll be the black ranger according to your spirit animal,
the mighty Mastodon."

"WTF, you said you weren't a racist. Who believes you."

"Trini, you'll be the yellow ranger."

"I knew it, because I'm Asian."

"Jason, you'll be the red ranger."

"No doubt, I'm Native American."

"Brad Hawkin, you'll be the white ranger, the leader of Power Rangers.
And Kimberly, you'll be the pink ranger."

"You're not gonna make me a leader. 
Just because I'm white, right"?

"Wait a minute, Zordon. Why am I not the white ranger?
You should consider me as the leader."

"That's brat, Kimberly. The evil won't stop for terror
because of your menstruation."


"Calm down, you two. I haven't had my color yet."

"Tommy will be the evil green ranger."

(Producer: Shuki Levy)
"Hold on, Rita and Zordon. Tommy is gonna be the white ranger,
the main actor and also the leader of Power Rangers,
according to popular demand."

"So, this is the final decision. Tommy will be the white ranger."

"Hey, NOT FAIR. What about me? Am I fired"?

"Don't worry, you'll be promoted
to become the leader of VR Trooper."

"Hey, Zordon. How about Blue Ranger?
Unfortunately, We have no Blue Skinned People in the world."

"Of course, we do. The person below is blue skinned,
and he will be the blue ranger."

"Hello, everyone. I'm the blue ranger."


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